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  1. Alamia A., VanRullen R. (2019) "Alpha oscillations and travelling waves: signatures of predictive coding?" PLOSBiology, 17(10), e3000487

  2. Alamia A., VanRullen R., Pasqualotto E., Mouraux A., Zenon A. (2019) "Pupil responds to unconscious surprisal". Journal of Neuroscience, 3010-18

  3. Alamia A., Zenon A., VanRullen R., Duque J.,Derosiere G.. (2019) "Implicit visual cues tune oscillatory motor activity during decision-making ". NeuroImage February 2019, Vol. 186,1 Pages 424-436

  4. Alamia A., Solopchuk O., Zenon A. (2018) "Strong conscious cues suppress preferential gaze allocation to unconscious cues". Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:427.

  5. Filibrich L., Halicka M., Alamia A., Legrain V. (2018) "Investigating the spatial characteristic of the crossmodal interaction between nociception and vision using gaze directoin". Consciousness and Cognition 57, 106-115

  6. Filibrich L., Alamia A., Burns S., Legrain V., (2017) "Orienting attention in visual space by nociceptive stimuli: investigation with a temporal order judgment task based on the adaptive PSI method". Experimental Brain Research,235(7), 2017

  7. Derosiere G., Zenon A., Alamia A., Duque J., (2017) "Primary motor cortex contributes to the implementation of implicit value-based rules during motor decisions". Neuroimage, 2016, Oct 11

  8. Vanderclausen C., Filibrich L., Alamia A., Legrain V. (2017) "Investigating peri-limb interaction beween nociception and vision using spatial depth ". Neuroscience letters 654, 111-116

  9. Filibrich L., Alamia A., Blandiaux S., Burns S., Legrain V. (2017) "Shaping visual space perception through bodily sensations: testing the impact of nociceptive stimuli on visual perception in peripersonal space with temporal order judgment task". Plos One, 12(8)

  10. Filibrich L., Alamia A., Verfaille C.,Berquin A., Barbier O., Libouton X.,Fraselle V., Mouraux D., Legrain V. (2017) "Biased visuospatial perception in complex Regional Pain Syndrome". Scientific Report 7(1), 9712

  11. Solopchuk O., Alamia A., Dricot L., Duque J., Zenon A. (2017) "cTBS distruption of the Supplemetnary Motor Area perturbs sequence representation but not performance ". Neuroimage 163, 34-40

  12. Alamia A., de Xivry J.J., Anton E., Olivier E., Cleeremans A., Zenon A. (2016) "Unconscious associative learning with conscious cues". Neuroscience of Consciousness 1-10.

  13. Alamia A., Solopchuk O., D'Ausilio A., Van Bever V., Olivier E., Zenon A.  (2016) "Disruption of Broca's Area Alters Higher-order Chunking Processing during Perceptual Sequence Learning". Journal of cognitive neuroscience. Vol 28, N°3, p.402-417.

  14. Solopchuk O., Alamia A., Zenon A. (2016) "The Role of the Dorsal Premotor Cortex in Skilled Action Sequences ". Journal of Neuroscience 36,(25) 6599-6601

  15. Alamia A., Solopchuk O., Olivier E., Zenon A. (2016) "Non-parametric algorithm to isolate chunks in response sequences ". Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10:177.

  16. Solopchuk O., Alamia A., Olivier E., Zenon A. (2016) "Chunking imrpoves symbolic sequence processing and relies on working memory gating mechanisms ". Learning and Memory 23, p.108-112

  17. Alamia A., Zenon A. (2016) "Statistical Regularities Attract Attention when Task-Relevant". Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:42.

  18. Torta D., Tatu M.K., Cotroneo D., Alamia A., Folegatti A., Trojan J.  (2016) "Prism adaptation contrasts perceptual habituation for repetitive somatosensory stimuli". Acta Psychologica

  19. Zenon A., Klein PA., Alamia A., Boursoit F., Wihelm E., Duque J. (2015) "Increased Reliance on Value-based Decision Processes Following Motor Cortex Disruption". Brain Stimulation 8(5):957-964.

  20. Zenon A., Corneil B.D., Alamia A., Filali-Sadouk N., Olivier E. (2014) "Counterproductive Effect of Saccadic Suppression during Attention Shifts". PLoS ONE 9(1):e86633.



  1. “Networks and Complexity”,  “Models of Consciousness” – Winter school ECHARP, January, 2018 – Aragnouet, France

  2. “Unconscious learning: behavioral evidence, relationship with attention and physiological markers” – Invited talk at CerCo, Toulouse, France - April 5th 2017    

  3. “Unconscious processing: studying the dark side of the brain” COSY Seminar, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium – October 21st  2016

  4. “Unconscious learning: when your brain knows more than you do ” Mechanisms of conscious and unconscious learning – Fourth annual meeting PAI / IAP 7/33, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium – December 3rd 2015

  5. “Unconscious learning: when your brain knows more than you do ” UCL - Phd Day, Bruxelles - November 16th 2015


  1. " Predictive coding produces alpha-band oscillatory travelling waves” – A. Alamia, R.VanRullen –  “Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Conference”, Philadelphia  September, 2018

  2. " Which neural networks match human performance in artificial grammar learning” – A. Alamia, V. Gauducheau, R.VanRullen –  “HBP International Conference: Understanding Consciousness”, Barcellona  June, 2018

  3. " Non Bayesian weighting of implicit and explicit information in a motion discrimination task” – A. Alamia, V. Moens, E. Olivier, A. Zenon –  “Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting”, New York April, 2016

  4. " cTBS disruption of the Supplementary Motor Area strengthens the involvement of hippocampus in sequence processing” – O. Solopchuk, A. Alamia, E. Olivier, A. Zenon –  “Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting”, New York April, 2016

  5. " A novel implicit associative learning framework : validation, role of attention and relation to Bayesian decision making” – A. Alamia, A.Cleeremans, E. Olivier, A. Zenon –  “Society for Neuroscience”, Chicago October, 2015

  6. " New method to identify chunks finds no evidence for concatenation” – A. Alamia, O. Solopchuk, E. Olivier, A. Zenon –  “Belgian Society for Neuroscience”, Moens May, 2015

  7. " Implicit Learning: a new design to unveil the unconscious brain” – A. Alamia, J.J. Orban de Xivry, A.Cleeremans, E. Olivier, A. Zenon –  “Neuronus”, Krakow April, 2015

  8. "Kinematics of motor sequence performance in the presence of implicit and explicit structure” – O. Solopchuk, A. Alamia, E. Olivier, JJ. de Xivry, A. Zenon –  “Neuronus”, Krakow April, 2015

  9. " Investigating cross modal influence between nociception and vision using temporal order judgements” – L. Fibrich, A. Alamia, S. Burns, L. Valery –  “16th International Multisensory Research Forum”, Pisa June, 2016

  10. " Implicit Learning: a stimulus-response framework” – A. Alamia, J.J. Orban de Xivry, E. Olivier, A. Zenon – “Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of conscious and unconscious visual perception”, Delmenhorst July, 2014 and 9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Milano, July, 2014

  11. " Implicit statistical learning and pupil size: an untold love story” – A. Alamia, E. Olivier, A. Zenon- “Belgian Brain Council 2014”- Ghent, October 24, 2014

  12. " Allocation of visual attention during the learning of first- and second-order statistics of a dynamic environment” – A. Alamia, E. Olivier, A. Zenon- “Rovereto Attention Workshop”  - Rovereto, October 24, 2013

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